About Doubtland

Hello.  I’m a first time blogger.  I’ve done a lot of reading in the last few years and I have a lot of new ideas.  Trouble is, it is hard to know if my thinking is solid without opening it up for inspection and criticism.  Also, I want to sharpen my writing chops.  So, for personal development, this site is for me.

Also, I don’t want to be an idea consumer only.  I want to give back, if that’s possible.  People I’ve talked to have asked me to write down some of my ideas so they could refer to them later when they have more time to process.  This site is for them.

Primarily, I’ll be writing about things that interest me.  If you find these issues interesting as well, this site is for you.


I’m concerned that many people feel the need to be certain about everything.  That bothers me.  I’ve come the conclusion that generally, doubt is good.  I want to explore that concept–thus, the name of the blog.

My main focus will be issues of faith and religion because that is the area that has seen the greatest change in my life, but politics, science and culture are also fair game.  I want to keep the discussion civil, but I want to dig out the truth even if it is uncomfortable.  I hope you’ll help keep me honest.

If you have ideas for topics, you can send a note to editor@doubtland.com.

Read on, friend, and let me know what you think.